
Little signs of life

I think that every aquarium keeper has happened, sooner or later, to see, at least once, small signs of life moving in water without being able to identify him. I have found at least 3 web sites that can help you find out what you face ...

The first iis a section of Microscopy UK. Here we can find a section named "Pond Life Identification Kit" . From a drawings menu you are driven link by link to specific articles on the identified specie .

The second is a personal site of an Italian hobbyist named Luciana Bartolini. The section "Insetti e larve d'acqua" ("Water Insects and larvae ") contains some detailed pictures of various kinds of these animals.

The third site is a small collection of pictures at http://pot.potorti.it/acquari/animaletti/.
Only few photos, but very useful ...