
Spectrophotometer DIY

This time the link is not directly related to aquarium hobby but it's still useful... in Royal Society of Chemistry site you can find istructions to build a little spectrophotometer.

Advanced aquarists and DIY fan will surely find it useful...


Crabs and shrimps

Two nice sites on invertebrates that live in our aquarium:

The first
www.invertebrati.info is an italian site about shrimp, crabs, snails and other invertebrates can populate our aquariums.

It contains many in-depth articles (very good that on shrimp's
anatomy), cards for the recognition of animals, and some magnificent pictures galleries.

Second one Crusta 10 is a German site (also in English), mainly dedicated to crabs, shrimps and crayfish.

It has a more scientific approach and less amateur than the previous. Lists many articles and publications on these animals and even here there are cards for identification / classification and photo galleries.

The two sites are complementary with no overlap and are very definitely two links to keep handy for fans.


A magazine...

This time I want to highlight a website really different from those I'm used to.

Underwater photography is a bimonthly magazine distributed for free by this site and is completely dedicated to underwater photography and tools needed to achieve it.
For fans of this art this is definitely a must.


Sekai scaping

This is a website (in portoguese) mainly dedicated to aquascaping.

It highlights than other sites because its articles are quite detailed and show the sources of information (which is not to be underestimated).
I recommend everyone to read two articles in particular
'Tetra Neon Cardinal: Equívocos e Realidade' and
'Os males da introdução de espécies exóticas em ambientes aquáticos'


Nature Aquarium blog

Despite it's english title this is a blog blog written from italian aquascaper Enrico Serena.

In his blog Enrico show us both the tanks that has attended, with excellent results, at various international contests and his new current projects.
The value of this blog, in my opinion, are the pictures that Enrico is able to achieve with an unmatched balance of colors.



Ciclid-forum, as name states, is a forum, for ciclid fans and it's a true gold mine for those involved with this family of fish.

Near forum theres is a library section that contains not only articles on cichlids but also on general aquarium management, on diy, aquarium chemistry and so on...