The AquaTools web site is a collection of useful web applications that are all related to aquarium but are in no way connected to each other.
The more complex one is aquasketcher, a useful tool for creating drafts aquascapes. The (probably) most useful is The Aquarium Diagnoser: an interactive guide to diagnose your aquarium plants problems.
Minimalism, design, professional approach, advanced concepts are the basis of aquascaping site i3 [AQUA].
Unfortunately, despite the excellent approach, updates are not frequent so we should wait before deciding how to evaluate it. I find amazing the pdf bookletabout iwagumi ...
UK aquatic plants societypromotes plantaquariums' hobby in UK through a website and a forum and between the promoters there is the famous aquascaper George Farmer. The site contains some good articles but, unfortunately, since some time no one has been added ....