Colectivo Acuadiseño Español is an aquascapers Spanish group who counts many famous names among its members.
This blog contains really interesting articles as well as dozens of photos of members' aquariums. All photos are technically well taken and certainly worthy of being seen at least once ....
Mini aquariumis another Japanese blog dedicated to aquariums.
In this blog I was struck by the quality of the photos, especially close-ups of fish, both for their clarity and for the colors used. They're very pleasant to watch ...
Fot those involved in aquascaping and mini-aquariums (but really mini) I want to higlight two links: First is AquaminiaturA a spanish blog that show a lot of these art pieces:
The other is Slobodan Lazarevic's (alias Octopus) gallery . See at Nano Tanks section...
The measurement of conductivity is often overlooked in aquariums, despite its undoubted utility. For lovers of DIY here are two articles that explain how to achieve a conductivity meter. The first is at it.hobby.acquari. The circuit , though very simple to implement, has the disadvantage of requiring a PC for the measure.
The other circuit is on octiva net: it's a school project and is relatively simple and very well explained ...