It's useful both for those involved in DIY and those that are curious about what is under the shell of fertilization operation. The whole is completed with long term effects diagrams.
Coscientius Aquarist Magazine is a free webzine in html. articles seems to be dated and sometimes they come from other magazines or sites but the whole site has a lot of stuffs to read. Near this a new webzine seems to be growing on: Wet Web Media Magazine seems to have more original news but the flash format has not the same feeling of the html one...
Those who grows aquatic plants in their aquarium may be interested at The Aquatic Plant Management Society and particularly to Journal of aquatic plants management. All numbers up to year 2008 are freely available on-line in pdf format...
ThistimeI invite youtotake a lookatablogin Spanish language. Geo Blog near the wonderful pictures there are videos and a lot of infos on author's aquariums...
I havealreadyproposedsometimeslinktositesthat explainhowto identifydifferent types ofsnailsthatinfest/populatetheaquarium. Mondo Gasteropodiforumisdedicatedto those whowant toraise themingood health.